Sellers Policy

At Multibid, we are committed to providing a safe and transparent platform for our sellers. This policy outlines the guidelines and terms that sellers must adhere to when using our platform. By using Multibid as a seller, you agree to comply with the following policies:

1. Accurate Information

Sellers are expected to provide accurate and up-to-date information regarding their products, including product descriptions, images, pricing, and condition. Misrepresentation of any product or false information is strictly prohibited.

2. Prohibited Items

Sellers must not list or sell any items that are illegal, infringing upon intellectual property rights, or violate any local or international laws. This includes but is not limited to illegal substances, counterfeit products, weapons, and restricted items.

3. Product Condition

Sellers must clearly indicate the condition of their products, whether new, used, or refurbished. Accurate and honest product condition descriptions will help buyers make informed decisions.

4. Pricing and Bidding

Sellers are responsible for setting fair and competitive prices for their products. Bidding prices should be reasonable and represent the product's value. Manipulative practices such as false bids or artificially raising prices are strictly prohibited.

5. Order Fulfilment

Sellers should strive to fulfil orders promptly and accurately. 

6. Privacy and Data Protection

Sellers must respect the privacy of buyers and handle any personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws. Sellers should not share any buyer's personal information obtained through transactions with any third parties without proper consent.

7. Compliance with laws and regulations

Sellers must comply with all relevant local, national, and international laws and regulations. This includes but is not limited to taxation laws, consumer protection laws, and trade regulations.

8. Prohibited Actions

Sellers must not engage in any fraudulent, deceptive, or harmful practices. This includes shill bidding, price fixing, spamming, or any actions that may compromise the integrity of the platform or harm other users.

Consequences of Policy Violation

Failure to comply with this Multibid Sellers Policy may result in actions such as listing removal, suspension, or termination of the seller's account. In severe cases or repeated policy violations, legal action may be taken.

Multibid reserves the right to modify or update this policy at any time without prior notice. It is the seller's responsibility to review and understand the policy to ensure full compliance when using the platform.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy or need further clarification, please contact our support team at [email protected] 

Last updated: [AUG 2023]